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Environmental Conservation, Department of

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All amounts are in dollars
Category Available
Change From
State Operations 518,217,300 487,569,800 -30,647,500 473,347,550
Aid To Localities 10,425,140 1,878,800 -8,546,340 9,148,425
Capital Projects 638,809,000 586,234,000 -52,575,000 3,131,518,000
Total 1,167,451,440 1,075,682,600 -91,768,840 3,614,013,975

Full-Time Equivalent Positions (FTE)
Program 2008-09
Estimated FTEs
Estimated FTEs
FTE Change
    General Fund 137 136 -1
    Special Revenue Funds - Other 169 147 -22
Air and Water Quality Management
    General Fund 173 168 -5
    Special Revenue Funds - Federal 172 176 4
    Special Revenue Funds - Other 392 373 -19
Environmental Enforcement
    General Fund 313 367 54
    Special Revenue Funds - Other 226 132 -94
Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources
    General Fund 65 43 -22
    Special Revenue Funds - Federal 93 79 -14
    Special Revenue Funds - Other 283 277 -6
Forest and Land Resources
    General Fund 256 244 -12
    Special Revenue Funds - Federal 11 9 -2
    Special Revenue Funds - Other 203 194 -9
    General Fund 352 338 -14
    Special Revenue Funds - Other 63 55 -8
Rehabilitation and Improvement
    Capital Projects Funds - Other 178 148 -30
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
    General Fund 139 127 -12
    Special Revenue Funds - Federal 52 50 -2
    Special Revenue Funds - Other 141 142 1
    Capital Projects Funds - Federal 7 7 0
    Capital Projects Funds - Other 322 294 -28
Total 3,747 3,506 -241

Note: Most recent estimates as of 12/16/08.


The Department of Environmental Conservation is responsible for conserving, improving and protecting the State’s natural resources and environment. The Department also works to control water, land and air pollution in order to enhance the health, safety and welfare of all New Yorkers. In addition, the Department plays a major role in implementing the Environmental Protection Fund, the State’s dedicated environmental fund.

Budget Highlights

The Executive Budget recommends $1.1 billion All Funds ($144.6 million General Fund; $64.4 million Federal funds) for the Department of Environmental Conservation. This is a decrease of $91.8 million from the 2008-09 budget. Consistent with the Governor’s recurring across-the-board cuts implemented in 2008-09, the Department has reduced overall spending.

The Department will have a workforce of 3,506 positions in fiscal year 2009-10. This decrease of 240 positions from 2008-09 levels is due to the impact of the statewide hiring freeze and the Department’s approved 2008-09 Spending Reduction Plan. Approximately 41 percent of these positions are paid by State tax dollars, 50 percent are supported by State fees, capital and other revenues and the remaining 9 percent are financed by Federal grants.

General Fund appropriations will finance 29.2 percent of the Department of Environmental Conservation’s operations in 2009-10. Fees and license revenues will support 57.6 percent, including the major permitting functions, the hazardous substances bulk storage and oil spill programs and the hazardous waste remedial and enforcement programs. Federal funds will support the remaining 13.2 percent of the Department’s budget.

The Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) will provide appropriations of $205 million to support environmental programs, including open space protection, farmland preservation, recycling programs, non-point source pollution control projects, and municipal park and waterfront revitalization projects. The EPF has been supported primarily by revenues from the real estate transfer tax as well as by the sale or lease of State property and by Fund interest earnings. To provide an ongoing revenue source for environmental programs, the Budget proposes to expand the "Bottle Bill" and redirect all unclaimed deposits to the EPF.

The 1982 "Bottle Bill" is one of the most effective environmental laws in the State, leading to reduced litter and increased recycling. The 2009 10 Executive Budget builds on these successes by expanding the "Bottle Bill" to non-carbonated beverages and directing $118 million in unclaimed funds to the EPF. These funds will replace real estate transfer tax revenues.

The voter-approved Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act authorizes $1.75 billion for critical environmental programs in the following categories: Safe Drinking Water Program ($355 million); Clean Water Program ($790 million); Solid Waste Projects ($175 million); Air Quality Projects ($230 million); and Environmental Restoration Projects ($200 million).

The Clean Air Fund will continue to provide the resources needed to meet the State’s obligations under the Federal Clean Air Act to control stationary and mobile sources of air pollution. The Fund is supported by vehicle emission inspection fees and fees on regulated pollutants emitted by factories, power plants and other stationary source facilities.

General Fund appropriations will support the preservation and maintenance of the State’s trails, regional facilities, campgrounds and the 20 percent match required for Federal grants provided through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. Since 1992-93, the cost of the State match has been reimbursed by proceeds from the sale of bonds issued by the Environmental Facilities Corporation. Principal and interest on the bonds are paid from State taxes.

The 2009-10 Executive Budget provides more than $1 billion to support the Department’s critical environmental, resource management and recreation programs, including:

2009-10 Executive Budget — Agency Presentation
Environmental Conservation, Department of (PDF)