Local Government Assistance
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Local Government Assistance programs provide a range of State aid and assistance for all classes of local governments. Key General Fund-supported programs include the Aid and Incentives for Municipalities (AIM) program, which allocates unrestricted State aid to cities, towns, and villages. Additionally, the Citizen Empowerment Tax Credits, Citizens Re-Organization Empowerment Grant program, and the Local Government Efficiency Grant program provide grants to local governments to encourage increased efficiency, municipal shared services, and/or governmental consolidation.
Budget Highlights
The Executive Budget recommends $854 million in All Funds appropriations to fund miscellaneous State aid and assistance programs, including $821 million in General Fund support to local governments under several aid programs. Included with the All Funds appropriations, the Budget recommends $2.5 million in General Fund state operating support for the Financial Restructuring Board for Local Governments and $30 million in Fiduciary Funds to cover contingency appropriation requirements. Overall, this represents a decrease of $14 million from 2014-15 All Funds appropriation levels, primarily due to reductions in Miscellaneous Financial Assistance, Aid to Municipalities with Video Lottery Gaming Facilities, and Village per Capita Aid.
AIM funding to cities, towns and villages is recommended to be maintained at $715 million. In addition, $39 million in appropriations for Citizen Empowerment Tax Credits, Citizens Re-Organization Empowerment Grants, and the Local Government Efficiency Grant program are recommended to be maintained. The Executive Budget also maintains $40 million in new appropriations and $40 million in reappropriations to be awarded by the Financial Restructuring Board through the Local Government Performance and Efficiency Program.
Category | Available 2014-15 |
Appropriations Recommended 2015-16 |
Change From 2014-15 |
Reappropriations Recommended 2015-16 |
State Operations | 2,500,000 | 2,500,000 | 0 | 0 |
Aid To Localities | 865,546,467 | 851,463,217 | (14,083,250) | 70,998,000 |
Total | 868,046,467 | 853,963,217 | (14,083,250) | 70,998,000 |
Note: Most recent estimates as of 01/21/2015